
I wanted to talk a little bit about my current work in progress, Strings. Named for the theory in physics in which tiny vibrational filaments which are string like are found at particle levels, even for those as small as a quark. The vibrational patterns of different strings produce different particle properties. Essentially strings are vibration and are a part of everything. String theory also suggests the possibility of ten to eleven other dimensions. Its a lot to explain in a little blog, but a good book I found to help explain the theory is The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. I read this book a few months ago and had been reflecting on and trying to understand (I still don’t really get it lol) the theory and its implications to humanity.

The idea of strings connecting everything in the universe is, for me, a very spiritual theory. What I found most enthralling was the connection. I have been thinking a lot about connection the last few months. Who are we as human beings outside of patriarchal imperialist capitalism and religion? Essentially we are all one connected entity, connected not only to each other but to everything on Earth, Earth herself, and every celestial body in the universe. When I started this piece I was thinking of this, of this bond of energy that connects us all.

Bats are a symbol of rebirth, of shadow work, of transformation. They dwell in dark caves during the day, leaving at night to pollinate, sowing seeds to regenerate the ecosystem, they use echolocation to read their surroundings, listening intently, then returning to the Earth’s womb before daylight.

In light of recent events this month I find it even more important to think about these two ideas of connection, the bond of energy between us, and shadow work and transformation. How will we continue our existence? Will we recognize the connection we all have to each other, the humanity and energy we all possess, that we are all one part of this vast universe? Or will we continue to be divided, to dehumanize each other, to allow our small and insignificant differences to tear us apart? Will we continue to treat our fellow humans as other or will we end the violence and atrocities that we continue to justify for the benefit of only imperialist patriarchal systems of oppression? Will we recognize that we are destroying Earth and her womb, mothers and children, entire families and cultures while we sit back idly watching and thinking there is nothing to be done? Will we allow genocide to happen before our very eyes and do nothing to stop it?

I like to think that humans are inherently connected, good, and loving people. Our oppressive systems of society will lead us to believe otherwise, but we can find our morality if we stop and listen to each other rather than those systems designed to tear us apart. Everyday I pray that we find our mutual humanity and connection, that we recognize the miracle of our existence here on this beautiful planet in this perfect place in the universe, that we acknowledge our vast similarities rather than differences. That we stop justifying mass murder, racism, xenophobia, greed, and power. That we embrace peace.

Free Palestine.

String, in progress, October 2023 oil on canvas