Current Series in Progress

I thought I should take a few minutes to talk about the series I’ve been working on for a few months now. The black rat snake painting, titled Healing, was the first in this series and the current work on my easel, titled Growth, featuring the wolf spider is the second. I have a third in the works, but its only as far as researching and notes. The sketching part will probably happen in the next two weeks. The third piece will be about transformation and feature a crow and of course flowers and a few other things.

Healing came to me after months of struggling with my life as an artist, my role in the arts community, with coming to terms with multiple rejections. I was reflecting on my life as a mother and wife, the decisions that led me to where I am today, and struggling with figuring out who I am and want to be. I had decided to take a break and paint my youngest daughter to help clear my mind and get back to painting for myself, rather than painting for likes or acceptance by organizations. I was sitting on my couch drinking coffee when suddenly a vision of a Black Rat snake entangled in chain but peaceful and breaking free came to me. I immediately got up and started sketching. As I got to work on the painting I realized how much the piece was about healing. It was partly about letting go of all of the rejections, but on a deeper level it was about letting go of others perceptions of me in general. As I painted I felt more of myself returning. I have spent the last couple of years in deep reflection about my life purpose and about why I am the way I am, but mostly about WHO I am deeply when all mine and others’ expectations and perceptions of me are stripped away.

So, this series is about that. Its about stripping away everything and getting to the core of who I am. Healing helped me discover what I really needed, Growth is now aiding me in finding my voice and who I want to be to the core. There is a lot of symbolism in each of the pieces. I use symbolism through plants and animals in all of my pieces, but in the past the focus was on portraiture. With this series I can delve fully into symbolism without the distraction of a human form.


In Healing the snake symbolizes multiple things. Black Rat snakes are an omen of good fortune. Snakes in general represent transformation and rebirth. As she sheds her skin she reveals a healed being within, full of feminine power. Similarly, daffodils have long been a symbol of rebirth and revival. They are also powerful signifiers of resilience, hope, and forgiveness. The chain holds contradictory symbolism. Some people could interpret the chain as symbolizing oppression, but it is also a symbol of interdependence and interconnectivity, and connection. In this case the chain is comprised of copper. Copper has strong links to love, sex, desire, and the ritual of marriage. Copper conducts energy and is often used to clear and ward off negative energy. The snake in the piece has been entangled in chain but we see that the chain is broken and sliding off of her body, she is no longer constrained by the bonds which oppress her.

Growth, detail but still in progress

In Growth the Wolf Spider symbolizes patience, balance and interconnection, and patience. She represents manifestation, specifically in the power to envision or feel what she wants to create and then manifest that into the real world through action. She weaves her destiny and steps into her power. She has gone into the shadow to heal and grow and now emerges stronger and more insightful. Pearls symbolize wisdom gained through experience. Pearls are created when mollusks are attempting to rid themselves of something causing distress. They coat the toxin in a material called argonite, an iridescent and incredibly strong material. Pearls represent this tending to suffering with care. White sage holds a lot of symbolism, particularly in its ritualistic use in Native American cultures. Here the sage symbolizes wisdom gained through experience and thoughtfulness. This piece is about weaving a life that’s dreamed of, manifesting our own reality, its about effortless creation; but its also about going into our darkness and returning to the light in order to grow and find wisdom. The spider tends to her den of pearls, pearls formed by tending to her distress and creating something beautiful from her darkness. She weaves of a life of strength, she dwells in the shadow to emerge grown, fresh, wise, and full of feminine power.

Growth, still in progress

I will try to post more often on here with insight into each piece rather than focusing all of this writing on instagram. Here there is more space and its easier to sit at a keyboard and type this out from my thoughts and notes. When I start the piece about transformation and whatever comes after that one I will write about those here and then maybe I’ll summarize all of it in one post at the end. I don’t know, I’m just winging it. Thanks for joining me on this journey!